Friday, October 2, 2009

Why Do Some Women Do This?

Could someone please explain to me why women wear heels with jeans?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

G-20 Reflections

I'm at work until 3am with no duties, so what better time to blog my thoughts... not that I have anything profound to say; I see it more as a catharsis.

Today was the first real day of G-20 madness. Getting to work was not a big deal really. I did get stopped on the parkway in Moon for 15 minutes while one of the dignitaries came into town. After they re-started traffic I was downtown in no time. Traffic was quite light. I wasn't sure where I was going to park. I got lucky and was able to park in the lot right by FSN. It was posted as $10 event parking for the Pirate game, but the game was well underway and there were no attendants at the booths, so I parked for free! I expected to be searched, grilled or something when I approached the Clemente bridge, but no. I even was pro-active... walked up to a National Guard dude and asked if I could cross. He said, "Oh, yeah. You can walk over there." No search, no funny looks, nothing. I was gun shy because on Wednesday, the fellers at the Palomino garage were stunningly rude. I understand their concern, but they know me. They even bomb searched my car... and the guy crazy with power over it wasn't pleasant. But I do understand where they're coming from. They're under stress, they have an important job to do, and I'm sure they're very frustrated. So it wasn't too much of a big deal. I got over it.

So, I keep listening to or reading about protesters who are bitching about the hordes of police/military on the streets. I wish they would just shut up or open their minds. The cops are there to maintain the peace and to prevent violence against people and property. What's wrong with being prepared... especially when we all know what happens at every meeting of the international finance ministers? What's really bugging me is that these loud-mouthed rebels are saying the police were roughing people up for no reason. While some of that may have happened, which I don't know for sure, I do know that some of those people deserved it. Just because there was no violence where some of these unbathed people were, does not mean that's the way it was everywhere. I saw some very nasty protesters do some bad things. Destroying the windows of businesses isn't hurting the CEOs of those businesses; it's hurting the local people who run those places.

And can we please stop with calling the cops bullies and cowards? That's what a lot of the protesters are. Cowards wear masks & hoods, just like a lot of the violent protesters. Cops are wearing helmets because people are throwing things at them, like feces, urine, rocks. They're not bullies; they are enforcers. Do these anarchists think letting everyone do what they want will work? No, anarchy will ensue. It's almost naive.

Why is there such an us vs. them mentality towards the police/military? They're on the side of the people. But I guess if you're hellbent on destruction and chaos, then you see them as an enemy because they won't let you do what you want. Time to grow up.

For those people who feel they've lost their freedom because there are enforcers in the street, why don't you go live in another country? Then maybe you'll see that your freedoms here aren't really taken away. Plus, we don't want you here. And stay the hell away from downtown. Then you won't run into cops, military, etc. Go develop a life... and take a bath.

There is no utopia on Earth. Nowhere. You need to make the best of what you have... and being in America isn't bad! (I guess unless you're an anarchist.)

What's there to fear about cops or military if you've done nothing wrong? And yes, they're gonna give you the hairy eyeball because that's their job. They need to be vigilant. Anyone could harbor a weapon or a bomb.

I think these protesters, anarchists, whatever you want to call them have nothing better to do than travel from place to place to protest... kinda like Deadheads but not as peaceful. Maybe they should get jobs... and it doesn't have to be for a corporation. They're just not happy unless they're bitching. They'd bitch about anything. They always have to have a cause, as lame as it may be. And why do they think being disruptive and violent in the streets of an innocent city is going to get them somewhere? The dignitaries don't see them. Furthermore, I doubt they care.

On the flip side I do agree that something needs to be done about the few percent of people in this world who hold the majority of the wealth. That's not right. It's so mind-boggling to me that simple common sense could solve so many problems, but there's always a crybaby that ruins it for everyone. There's also a lot of greed, and a severe lack of empathy for others. I honestly don't know how the rich can sit back and keep striving to get their greedy little hands on more money while we see video of people starving, people with sicknesses that have no access to medicine, people who work 3 jobs just to scrape by to feed their children. Incidentally, this is also why I hate pro-athletics. No one, and I mean NO ONE, deserves a million dollars because he or she is good at throwing a fucking ball. And then society treats those ball-handling idiots like gods... and children grow up idolizing them. Nevermind a lot of them are thugs as well.

I digress. But these are the things that mystify my mind and fill me with anger. The world is a very unfair place, and there's so much atrocity everywhere. Maybe it pisses me off so much because I believe it's all centered on greed, disrespect for others and pure self-centeredness. I hate it on all levels. I could not imagine being that way. It's a foreign concept that I can't wrap my head around. How can people truly be like that?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Walking is a hazard

So, why is it that people are afraid to go the speed limit in the tunnels, yet they won't even slow down remotely to let walkers cross the street? I'm referring to Liberty & Penn Aves. downtown. It couldn't be more clearly marked for the drivers to yield to pedestrians, yet I've almost been flattened several times lately.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

People are MADDENING!!

Okay... So I'm closing on my new house tomorrow. I needed to get to the bank today to get a cashier's check for the closing. I walk into the National City branch in Penn Hills. (As you may or probably do know, I hate Penn Hills and everything about it and everyone in it.) Anyway, I'm walking into the bank. There are a half dozen people waiting in the velvet rope line. As I'm entering the cattle chute, there's an older man coming into the bank from the opposite side. The opening of the rope line is on my side, and of course, I walk faster. What does the coot do? He steps OVER the rope and cuts right in front of me. WTF? I was already gonna be late for work, and I'm sure he was retired and had all day to stand there. I wanted to say something, but couldn't think of anything sly or anything that wouldn't get me into trouble. Cameras everywhere. So I stared the shriveled prune down. He felt it. He kinda looked at me sheepishly, but he didn't apologize or offer to let me get ahead of him since I really was first. He just stood there like the ass that he is. And why was he there? To pay a freaking bill. Seriously... Old people clog up the lines at banks and post offices to pay a freaking utility bill. Do they not know they can do that without leaving the house? Just walk to the mailbox! You've got one of those, don't you, old man? Perhaps our senior citizens need a daily chore to have an outing for the day. They're retired; what else are they gonna do?

I get my check and book outta there to try to make it to work at a decent time. I'm driving around the bank, and here comes a guy pulling out of the bank drive thru about to t-bone me. It's another old man! His business was done. He was pulling out no matter what. No need to turn his head to see if there's any traffic. I could've killed him. He could've killed me. That's okay: he's old. That seems to be a pass for doing whatever the hell you want.

Now I'm driving down Rodi Road. As I'm going up the very, very long ramp to get onto the parkway, there's a car in front of me. As that driver gets closer to the parkway, she comes to a complete stop. She has her own lane for at least a half mile and she stops completely. And this chick isn't old; looked younger than me. So I had to stand on my brakes. My car began to turn sideways. Of course I laid on the horn and started screaming obscenities. W... T... F?! Now my less-than-a-year-old car needs a brake job thanks to some moron. You know, I'd like to see someone like her who stops while attempting to enter a 55+ mph zone get nailed by a truck zooming by. Stay off the road if you can't drive!!!

Speaking of imbeciles who can't drive, bring on the Squirrel Hill tunnels! What is it about these mysterious tubes that causes everyone that goes through them to slow down to a stop-and-go pace? These are by far the worst tunnels in the 'Burgh. Doesn't make any sense. They are perfectly straight! There's nothing tricky about it. Why are people so f'n stupid? Maybe if you fall below 40 mph the tunnel staff should somehow be able to shock you right in your car. Or hit a button that makes your car evaporate.

Okay... I get through that muck. Takes me 10 minutes to go a mile or two. Then I'm approaching downtown. Before I can get off at Stanwix, the backup for the Fort Pitt tunnels begins. Seriously? It's 2:30pm. Why? How? What do I not understand? So I wait a few more minutes in stalled traffic just to get to my exit.

I made it. I got through all that just to spend the next 9 hours in KD Country. Good times.